About Andy M. Haynie - CPA, CFE

Originally from Tangier Island, VA, Andy began working for Leatherbury-Broache and Company upon graduating from Salisbury University in 1998. He joined PKS in 2000, and became a Partner in 2012. Andy lives in Marion Station with his wife Amy and two sons, Thomas and Conner. Outside of work he loves spending time with his family. A typical weekend for Andy includes traveling for soccer with his boys or on a rare occasion going to the beach to relax. He is constantly listening to music, collects vinyl records (old and new) and will see as many live music shows in a year as possible. Andy is also an avid runner and participates in a number of regional races through the year with distances ranging from 5ks to 50ks.

What is Residual Fraud Risk — and What Can Your Business Do About It?

By regularly analyzing risk, business owners and executives can better understand [...]

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